Our Recent Clients

  • ACTion with Communities in Cumbria
  • Allerdale Borough Council
  • Aspatria Rural Partnership
  • Clyde & Avon Valley Landscape Partnership
  • Cumbria County Council
  • Dumfries & Galloway Council
  • Durham County Council
  • Eden Rivers Trust
  • Eskdale Mill & Heritage Trust
  • Friends of the Lake District
  • Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership
  • Grampus Heritage & Training
  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • Heron Corn Mill Trust
  • Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust
  • Lake District National Park Authority
  • Locomotive Conservation & Learning Trust
  • Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority
  • National Trust
  • Natural England
  • Ravenstonedale Common Graziers Association
  • Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership
  • Scottish Wildlife Trust
  • Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership
  • Solway Wetlands Landscape Partnership
  • Staffin Trust
  • Tyne & Wear Archive & Museums
  • United Utilities
  • Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership
  • Woodland Trust
  • Workington Nature Partnership

Our Approach

We follow good practice project management methods based on the PRINCE2 model. We always begin by agreeing a project plan with the client that divides the project into distinct stages and milestones and identifying outputs that will be delivered. We consult the client at stage boundaries and agree the next stage.

We prepare a risk management schedule, identifying risks and how they should be managed, which is kept under review.
We ensure good quality by adhering to the project management methodology, working closely with client and stakeholders and providing drafts of documents in time to allow for good consultation.

Because we are a small tight team, we are able to address project management issues as they arise.

I also wanted to ask you on behalf of the Staffin Community Trust whether it would be possible if you could write the Activity Plan for Ceumannan II? We have been very impressed by your work on the "Audience Development so far and thought you would be an excellent choice."

Hugh Ross, Staffin Community Trust